Noise Abatement
Quieter Home Program - The Part 150 Study
Being a good neighbor is important to everyone at the Buffalo Niagara International Airport, so we continue to work with the community to assess how noise from the airport is affecting the area. In 2011 the Buffalo Niagara International Airport completed the voluntary five year Update to the Airport Noise Compatibility Study (Part 150 Study).
The Federal Aviation Regulation Part 150 Study establishes a standard method airport operators can use to analyze the noise created by airport operations. It also creates guidelines for acceptable noise abatement, including aviation and land-use remedies. The Buffalo Niagara International Airport study examines existing noise conditions and projected noise issues for a five-year period, identifying what effect noise has on those who live and work around the airport and recommend appropriate mitigation and schedules.
The Quieter Home Program was the result of the Part 150 Study. The Airport received federal grant funding for this program. The Quieter Home Program examined and contacted ALL eligible homes/parcels based on FAA standards. This program helped mitigate noise for over 1,100 homes, and over 2,600 residents. As of 2016 the program has been completed, and at this time there is no additional federal funding for any further noise mitigation programs.
For more information on this program, call 716-630-6133
To review the 2013 Noise Exposure Map click here
- BNIA Noise Exposure Map 5- year update
- Master Plan - BNIA Chapter 1 - Introduction
- BNIA Part 150 Study - Chapter 2 Existing Conditions
- BNIA Part 150 Study - Chapter 3 Future Conditions
- BNIA Part 150 Study - Chapter 4 Conclusion
- BNIA Part 150 Study - FAA Letter of Determination
- BNIA Part 150 Study - FAA Letter Record of Approval
- BNIA Part 150 Study - NCP Letter to Airmen
Specific details about noise compatibility studies in general can be found in Part 150 of the Federal Aviation Regulations (14 CFR 150) available from the FAA.
Noise Complaints
To report Noise Complaints electronically please click on: Buffalo Niagara International Airport Noise Complaint